Carpal Tunnel Syndrom

Definition: A combination of symptoms of dysfunction of the fingers and wrists. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the tendon sheath through which the carpal tunnel structures pass. They become inflamed and fibrinous, causing swelling and pressure on the median nerve of the wrist and pain and numbness.
Causes and effective factorsTrauma and injury
Frequent hand and wrist movements such as wrist sprains

Chronic Diseases
“Pregnancy” in the last trimester due to fluid retentio


Signs and symptoms
Pain, especially at night, numbness, tingling
Muscle weakness
Swelling of the wrist
Decreased grip strength and inability to punch
Palm atrophy
Relative reduction of sensation in the thumb, forefinger and middle finger
treatmentImmobilize the wrist

Changes in the work environment to reduce wrist strain

Medications: Topical injection of corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Surgery: Carpal tunnel release

Patient education
Use of the wrist in a bent, twisted, or twisted position should be avoided, and repetitive wrist movements, including holding a device for extended periods, should be minimized.

Use all hands and fingers to grasp objects instead of thumbs and index fingers.
Restrict wrist movements such as inward rotation.
Rest your hands periodically and intermittently.Reduce the speed of strong and repetitive movements.

Keep your hand above the level of the heart to reduce swelling.
Use ice to reduce swelling on the wrist.

Medications should be taken according to the instructions.

Mir Hosseini Hospital

Hassan Qara Producer
Ms. Azam Ghaedi Educational Supervisor
Dr. Alamzadeh confirms
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