Lipomatic operation

Lipomatic operation:
Lipomatic is the newest and most uncomplicated method of draining excess body fat, after which fat transfer can also be performed. In this method, fats are crushed by a metal rod called a canola and gently pulled in through the rod and emptied by the machine. Fats are completely alive and healthy after lipomatics, and there is a possibility of fat transplantation on the face or buttocks.

Preoperative measures:
It is best to stop drinking alcohol and smoking two weeks before the operation.
Contraceptive drugs must be discontinued two weeks before surgery and can be started 2 weeks after surgery.

Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking birth control pills and anticoagulants (such as aspirin).
• Use one iron tablet a day

Lipomatic postoperative care

• You should rest at home for 5 to 7 days after the operation. But there is no need for absolute rest.
Drink plenty of fluids, especially pineapple juice and natural celery juice.
Low-salt, low-fat diet for up to 3 months after surgery.
• If you have been injected into the buttocks, please do not sleep on the buttocks for a week and sleep on the abdomen. And put an ice pack on the buttocks for 24 hours.

Bathing should not be done until the discharge is completely gone, usually 4 days after surgery.
Go to the clinic one week after the operation. (For initial visit)
Postoperative massage is performed three times a day by the nurse.
• It is necessary to wear the gun for 2 months after the operation. Only take the gun off for bathing. (The gun is worn by the nurse 2 days after the operation.)
When resting after lipomatous surgery, place your feet above body level.
Postoperative itching may occur. Use loratadine tablets to relieve itching.
Start exercising one week after surgery (except for liposuction of the thighs later

From 2 weeks is not prohibited) and in people who have had hip injections up to 2 months of exercise is prohibited.
Be sure to contact us if you have a purulent, foul-smelling discharge and any abnormal symptoms.
If you are taking birth control pills, you can start using them 2 weeks after the operation.
Swelling, stiffness, roughness after surgery is normal and takes 4 to 6 months to see the main result.

Mir Hosseini Hospital, Shiraz

Producer: Elmira Golzar
Date of compilation: September 99
Revision Date: Three years later site
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