Lucy or Strabismus

Lucy or Strabismus:

It is a disorder in which the two eyes do not look in the same direction. It negatively affects “depth perception”. Lochi is sometimes called amblyopia.

Strabismus surgery:

In strabismus surgery, the operation is performed on the muscles around the eyes that are attached to the whites of the eyes, and its use is the straightening of the eyes and the proper functioning of the movements of both eyes.

Cause of lochia or strabismus:

Lochia can be caused by a brain disorder in eye coordination or by a disorder of one or more external elements of the eye, including various operations such as: lazy eye in children – stroke – genetic factor – excessive size’s Eyes or small one of the eye sockets – Accidents and injuries to the temporal and occipital areas can occur.

Common cases:

Dependence on the causative agent can occur at all ages.
Treatment: Advanced and severe eye ulcers are usually treated with a combination of glasses or glasses, vision therapy and surgery.

Although lochia has no definitive cure, prismatic lenses can make a person comfortable and prevent diplopia.

Nursing Care:The patient should not take a bath for 5 days.
Avoid rubbing your eyes.

Avoid getting hit in the eye and hit in the head

Do not use drugs that contain corticosteroids for a long time and consult a doctor.
Avoid going to contaminated environments.
Children must be examined every 6 months.
Children with a history of seizures should be checked every three months.
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Stirring: Roya Amirsalari
Source: Bruner Sudarth, 14th edition, 2018
Date of compilation: Autumn 98
Revision Date: 3 years later