Post-abdominoplasty care

Post-abdominoplasty care
1- It is mandatory to have a companion after transfer to the ward and up to 2 to 3 days after that.

  1. Start the diet with fluids and continue if you tolerate a low-salt and low-fat diet. (Low-salt, low-fat diet for up to 6 months.)
    3- Avoiding constipation by consuming plenty of fluids, fresh fruits and vegetables, and using laxatives if necessary.
    4 – Avoid smoking and alcohol for at least 4 weeks after surgery, especially in combination with painkillers and hypnotics.
    Avoid taking aspirin and anticoagulants for up to 2 weeks after surgery unless consulted by a doctor.
    6- As soon as possible after the operation, start walking as much as you can. It will reduce swelling and reduce the possibility of clot formation in your legs (at least 3 times a day).
    7- It is better to walk bent and bent in the first 2 weeks. This will reduce the amount of pain and secondary discomfort and the high pressure on the surgical incision and the possibility of opening the edges of your wound.
  2. Avoid driving until you have complete movements in all directions of your shoulders and arms and use painkillers and sleeping pills.
    9- The time to return to work is usually between 2 to 4 weeks after the operation.
    10- When taking a bath, someone must be by your side to know that your condition is stable.
    11- During the bath, avoid contact with water pressure directly on your wound and do not apply shampoo and soap to the wound.
    12- Avoid being in the bathtub or going to the pool in 4 to 6 weeks after the operation.
    13- Check the wounds for infection every day and keep them clean.
    14- Belly (gun) should be worn 24 hours a day for 6 weeks after surgery.
    15- To prevent the bandage from getting wet or the skin irritation caused by it, it is better to put soft sterile gas daily on the wounds and around the drains, if any.
    16- Sunbathing causes the operation area to darken. Please avoid sunbathing until it heals.
    17- You should be 30 degrees high for 14 days after the operation and put a pillow under your knees. You can sleep on your side.
    18- Avoid strenuous activity, but absolute rest is not necessary.
    19- If the pain intensity increased abnormally instead of decreasing and was accompanied by symptoms of chills, fever and severe redness at the operation site, contact us.

  1. Drainage is removed 5 to 8 days after the operation, depending on the amount of secretion. You can take a shower one day after the drain is removed.
    21- Eating pineapple and celery juice to reduce bruising and swelling is recommended. You can also use seafood and fresh fruits. Please avoid heavy foods that cause constipation.
  2. Your normal activities, including sexual activity, can take place 2 weeks after the operation.
  3. The presence of pain after surgery is normal, which responds to ordinary analgesics.
    24- You can start exercising one month after the operation, but heavy exercise up to 4 months after the operation is not recommended.
    25- Anti-scar creams are used as soon as the wound is completely healed (4 weeks after the operation). How to use: Clean 2 to 3 times a day and 3 hours after each use with cotton and lukewarm water.
    26- If you see any abnormal problems, contact us.
    27- Using prescribed drugs until they run out.
    28- Bleeding from the holes in the back is normal.
  4. After the operation, the nurse will perform three sessions a day between changing clothes and emptying the discharge in your home.
    30- If you have had a hip injection, put a pillow under your waist and one under your thighs for the first week so that you do not put too much pressure on your buttocks.
    31- The dates of visiting the office are one week after the operation, two weeks, one month and 3 months after the operation.

Mir Hosseini Hospital, Shiraz site
Shirazmirhosseinihospital: This Email
32284433- 071: Phone

Producer: Maryam Nosrat Abadi

Date of compilation: September 99
Revision Date: Three years later