baby skin

At the time of birth, the baby’s skin is covered with amniotic fluid, blood and some fat (vernix) and sometimes they have a small amount of thin and short hair on the body, especially in the face and shoulders, which in many cases fall out in the first week after birth. .
The majority of babies, especially full-term babies, are born with smooth and wrinkle-free skin, while some others have loose, wrinkled skin, which is nothing to worry about and will improve over time.
Babies may have red skin when they cry, which is common in many babies and does not indicate a problem with the baby’s health.
Usually the baby’s hands and feet are cold and tend to be blue because the blood circulation system is still unstable, but this problem will disappear within six weeks after birth. In some cases, by keeping the baby upright, the blood accumulates in the lower half of the body, as a result, the lower half of the body looks redder. This issue is the result of premature circulatory system of the baby and it will be resolved with the passage of time.

Baby’s skin changes:

  • Acne or baby pimples: they are red spots that may be yellow in the center and appear in any part of the baby’s body. This is due to the increase in the mother’s hormones before birth. Usually, these pimples are non-infectious and do not require treatment, they disappear by themselves.
  • Milia or white pimples: white bumps that appear prominent but are smooth to the touch, usually seen on the nose, forehead and cheeks. But they may also be seen on the trunk, organs and penis. These pimples are caused by the blockage of the sebaceous glands. Small blisters: prominent grains filled with liquid, this liquid is the natural secretions of the skin, which may be white or milky in color, usually disappear by itself or after washing the baby.
  • Red spots: There are red spots in the center of which there is a yellow-white prominence similar to insect bites. They usually appear during the first days after birth and disappear by themselves within one or two weeks.
  • Lunar eclipse: purple or red areas with large irregular shapes that are formed due to the accumulation of blood under the skin and are removed by plastic surgery when the child grows up. Strawberry Vascular Eminence: About 2% of babies are born with strawberry-shaped spots at birth. These spots may be pale white at first, but turn red over time. They are raised and have a soft texture. and their sizes are different. These spots mostly disappear by themselves in children aged 5-9.
  • Congenital color mole: these moles are black or brown in color, hair grows on some of these moles. If these moles are very large, bloody, change in color, change in shape, and change in size, there is a possibility that it is a sign of malignancy and requires consultation with a doctor. These moles grow a little with the growth of the child.
    Producer: Khadija Youneszadeh
    Source: Caring for a healthy baby (authors’ group of Department of Newborns, Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education)
    Compilation date: Autumn 1400
    Revision date: 3 years later
    “Mir Hosseini Hospital, Shiraz” Shirazmirhosseinihospital website: Insta email
    Phone: 071-32284433: Fax: 071-32287481