Care after surgery

Dear patient, pay attention to the following points to reduce post-operative problems:

Due to the presence of secretions and anesthetic gases, we recommend you to take deep breaths along with coughing. To cough better and prevent pain in the operated area, it is better to cover the wound with your hand or a small pillow. The best position for your better breathing is half-sitting. You can ask your companion to raise the head of the bed.
Breathing easily requires oxygen. You can use a fumigator. Try not to be exposed to dry and cold weather

Especially in winter, use a lot of fluids to dilute secretions.

Your blood pressure should be checked every 4 hours. You should check the operation site for bleeding, swelling, pallor, foul-smelling secretions, or any abnormal factors.
Control the temperature, if it is more than 37.7 there is a possibility of infection and it should be followed up.
You should not eat for 4-8 hours after the operation. After 8 hours, start eating water and fruit juice in small amounts but in short intervals. If there is no change in the normal state of the body. For example, if you haven’t vomited, start eating things like tea, jam, jelly, etc. If the condition is still normal, try porridge, soup, liquid foods, and if there is no problem, use normal foods.

To heal the wound as quickly as possible, you can use foods rich in protein such as red meat, fish, shrimp, chicken, soy, beans, lentils, etc.

Foods that have a lot of vitamins, most importantly vitamin C, are effective for wound healing. Vitamin C is found in tomatoes, sour lemons, green peppers, peaches, and other compounds.

Antibiotic drugs that should be taken at home should be taken on time, i.e. on the hour and in the required amount with a glass of water or fruit juice.
Try to take any medicine that should be used at home according to the doctor’s prescription and completely for a faster recovery.
24 hours after the operation, your dressing must be changed. You must be careful that the person who changes your dressing fully observes the hygiene tips, and it is better to have the dressing done by a specialist.
(In clinics and treatment centers) Be careful when moving or any other action that causes pressure on the stitches, be sure to support the stitch area with your hand or a small pillow.

Your stitches should be removed between 9-14 days after the operation.

Producer: Khadija Youneszadeh

Source: Gastrointestinal diseases (Bruner-Sudart 2000)

Compilation date: Autumn 1400

Revision date: 3 years later “Mir Hosseini Hospital Shiraz” website

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