Corona virus

Corona virusCoronaviruses are a large family that not only cause colds, but also cause serious respiratory illnesses. Corona virus (Novel Vorona Virus) n cov-2019 are a family of corona viruses that no vaccine or definitive treatment for this disease has yet been discovered, developed or approved. Transfer conditions Direct contact with an animal, human or […]

The notion that breast milk is insufficient

Familiarity with the causes of insufficient breast milk1) The notion of inadequacy2) Inadequacy reallyThe first category: mental (the idea of ​​inadequacy)Causes of this mentality: Frequent waking up at night, sucking hands, dilute appearance of breast milk, rapid breastfeeding, increased feeding frequency, reduced sucking time, reduced milk leakage, shrinkage and softening of the breasts, non-angina of […]

Postoperative care of the chin

Postoperative care of the chin:1 Bathing is allowed 24 hours after the operation.2- Use the gun continuously for the first 3 days and then part-time for 3 weeks.3- Do not use tobacco and alcohol for up to 2 weeks after the operation.Use medications until they run out.5- Follow a low-salt and low-fat diet for up […]


Definition: A stroke, a cerebrovascular accident, or what is now called a stroke, is a sudden decrease in brain function due to impaired blood flow to a part of the brain.Types of strokes: Strokes are divided into two main groups: 1- Non-bleeding (85%) 2- Bleeding (15%)Cause of stroke: Stroke without bleeding due to: 1- Blood […]

Post-abdominoplasty care

Post-abdominoplasty care1- It is mandatory to have a companion after transfer to the ward and up to 2 to 3 days after that. Start the diet with fluids and continue if you tolerate a low-salt and low-fat diet. (Low-salt, low-fat diet for up to 6 months.)3- Avoiding constipation by consuming plenty of fluids, fresh fruits […]


prostate It is an organ of the male genitalia about the size of a small walnut located at the beginning of the urethra in the pelvis. This gland contracts during ejaculation, adds an alkaline milky substance to the semen, and this is why the gelatinous state of the semen occurs. This gland remains relatively small […]


Mammoplasty is a type of breast surgery that is performed to reduce the size of the breasts and to create a fit in the size and shape of the breasts.Suitable candidate for mammoplasty:• People who have large breasts that will make their limbs look out of proportion.• People who do not have symmetrical breasts.• People […]

Lipomatic operation

Lipomatic operation:Lipomatic is the newest and most uncomplicated method of draining excess body fat, after which fat transfer can also be performed. In this method, fats are crushed by a metal rod called a canola and gently pulled in through the rod and emptied by the machine. Fats are completely alive and healthy after lipomatics, […]


The pterygium is a triangular lesion that extends from the whites of the eyes (conjunctiva) to the black of the eye (cornea). This lesion is caused by the benign growth of connective tissue and conjunctival vessels.The pterygium usually first develops as a whiteness on the conjunctiva, which gradually grows toward the cornea. Due to the […]

Breast prosthesis

Breast prosthesis is done in different ways, which include:Incision of the crease under the breast, which is the most common type of incision. Cut around the brown halo of the chest. Cut from the armpit areaDetermining the type of incision is at the discretion of the physician.Silicone prostheses do not cause any disease in any […]