Cesarean section

Cesarean section
Cesarean section: Cesarean section refers to the birth of a baby by cutting the abdominal wall and uterine wall.
It is necessary to perform cesarean delivery in necessary and dangerous cases to save the life of the mother and the fetus.
The most common cases of cesarean delivery:

  • Previous caesarean section, difficult delivery or lack of progress in delivery
  • The position of the fetus other than the head in the pelvis, such as the transverse position or with the fetus’s feet
    Procedures before cesarean section: The patient should refrain from eating and drinking for at least 8 hours before the operation.
    Performing blood group and hemoglobin tests
  • Blood reservation
  • Cleanliness of the place of operation
  • In people over 40 years old, it is necessary to take an ECG.
    Post-operative recommendations:
    On the second day, the dressing should be removed from the wound (according to the doctor’s order).
  • One week after the operation, visit the doctor’s office for a visit and suture removal if there is no absorption.
  • Eating flatulent foods such as beans and… Avoid for 1-2 weeks.
  • After discharge from the hospital, refer to Zainabiyeh Hospital or Provincial Health Center for vaccination.
    -Birth certificates are issued on Mondays and Wednesdays from 13-14. It is mandatory to bring the birth certificate of the baby’s parents, national card, screening test sheet and the baby’s profile card at the time of issuing the birth certificate.
    -Continue taking the medicines according to the doctor’s orders given to you during discharge. The use of iron tablets is recommended until three months after giving birth. The use of pregnancy prevention methods during active breastfeeding, from 8 weeks and during passive breastfeeding, from It starts every 6 weeks. Avoid sexual intercourse from 10 to 40 days after childbirth.

Producer: Sara Mousavi
Source: Williams Pregnancy and Childbirth
Compilation date: Autumn 1400
Revision date: 3 years later

“Mir Hosseini Hospital, Shiraz”

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