late delivery

Late delivery:
The duration of pregnancy is normally 37 to 42 weeks and on average 40 weeks (280 days) from the first day of the last period, and when its duration is more than 42 weeks, it is called prolonged pregnancy.
Its actual prevalence is about 3%. In about two-thirds of the cases, the gestational age is wrongly estimated, which is caused by the pregnant mother’s mistake in remembering the date of the first day of her last period.

  • The cause of late pregnancy: the real cause is unknown, some of the known causes are: mistake in the date of the last menstrual period, defects in the development of the fetal brain, women with the first abdomen and high gestational age of some races (Australian, Italian and Greek), history of long pregnancy in pregnancy previous
  • Complications of prolonged pregnancy: increase in the possibility of death of the fetus and mother after the 42nd week of pregnancy, anxiety and worry of the pregnant mother, continued growth of the fetus and difficult delivery due to the enlargement of the fetus and the possibility of damage to the mother and fetus, problems in the functioning of the placenta due to Aging of the placenta which causes malnutrition of the fetus and a decrease in oxygen supply and growth disorder, a decrease in the fluid of the fetal sac, defecation due to unfavorable conditions in the womb, which can cause blockage of the respiratory tract and the death of the baby.
  • Evaluation of fetus and mother: the usual method of determining the exact age of pregnancy is based on the date of the first day of the last menstrual period. The most reliable method is based on determining the time of ovulation based on determining the body temperature. Sonography in weeks 5 to 23 is more suitable for determining the gestational age, and after the 26th week, its accuracy decreases in estimating the gestational age. Examining the health of the fetus with the fetal heart rate test: In this method, the heart rate of the fetus is examined and recorded during its activity for 20 minutes. If the fetal heart rate is normal. In 99% of cases, you can be sure of the health of the fetus up to 36 hours, provided that an abnormal event such as separation of the placenta and ………. has not occurred Sonography is special for evaluating and scoring respiratory status, heart rate, movements and the amount of water in the fetal sac. The normality of the ultrasound results shows the health of the fetus in the next week. It is important for the mother to pay attention to the reduction of fetal movements and timely referral (less than 10 movements in 12 hours). Treatment measures: In general, pregnancy is allowed to continue until the 42nd week when the mother and the fetus are not in danger.
  • In cases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney dysfunction and history of previous caesarean section, it is not permissible to continue the pregnancy beyond the 37th to 40th week. If the mother and the fetus are healthy, the pregnancy should be terminated in the 42nd week, which is done by induction of
  • labor and the use of drugs that cause labor pain, along with the examination of the heart rate of the fetus during the induction of labor.

Producer: Marjan Fallahi
Source: Williams Pregnancy and Childbirth
Compilation date: Autumn 1400
Revision date: 3 years later

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