Preterm delivery

Preterm delivery
When do we call pain premature?
If the contractions and opening of the cervix occur before the 37th week, it is called premature labor pain. You may notice a period of regular contractions before week 37. But it is not considered as early labor pain until the cervix is ​​completely opened or dilated.

  • Sometimes, due to the special conditions of pregnancy, the gynecologist decides to have a cesarean section. But sometimes premature birth happens unintentionally. For example, the amniotic sac ruptures or the cervix opens without any contraction. The longer the baby is born after 37 weeks of pregnancy, the more problems he will face.
    Respiratory problems, severe allergies, digestive problems, brain bleeding and nervous system disorders are among the most common problems of these babies. Premature babies may also have difficulty regulating their body temperature and are more prone to infections and jaundice.
    Now you might think to yourself, how can a mother prevent her premature birth? For this purpose, you should know about the causes and risk factors of premature birth.
  • Causes of premature birth Some genital infections are associated with premature birth. Basically, the substances produced by the bacteria causing the infection cause the membrane around the amniotic fluid to rupture. These bacteria may also inflame and infect the uterus and thus cause premature birth. Urinary tract infection, placenta problems, such as placenta previa or premature separation of the placenta, excessive size of the uterus, in cases of multiples or a large amount of amniotic fluid, structural abnormalities of the cervix, for example, short cervix (less than 25 mm), abdominal surgery in During pregnancy, for example, surgery of the appendix, gall bladder or ovary, risk factors for 2 or multiple pregnancy, age less than 17 or more than 35 years old, mother, abdominal pain such as monthly pain or more than 4 contractions per hour, feeling of double pressure in the pelvis, back pain, especially if Intermittent African strain, lack of maternal weight before pregnancy, insufficient weight gain during pregnancy, bleeding in the first or second trimester of pregnancy, bleeding for more than 3 months, increases the risk of premature birth. Mild or severe anemia during pregnancy Pregnancy, drug use and non-halal drinks.

-Diagnostic tests:
Gynecologist may notice a symptom during his examination and want to get an ultrasound for a more definite diagnosis, for example, he may encounter symptoms such as pressure or pelvic pain, back pain, more mucus secretion, spotting or bleeding.

  • Symptoms of premature birth:
    Excessive uterine secretions, changes in the state of secretions, for example, or dilution of any bleeding or spotting, the presence of abdominal pain due to the problem of mild and loose contractions, tightening of the abdomen even if the patient does not feel it.

Producer: Marjan Fallahi
Source: the book of pregnancy education and
Preparation for childbirth in the health office
Compilation date: Autumn 1400
Revision date: 3 years later

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