Treatment of retinal diseases
1- Laser surgery: With laser surgery, it is possible to repair a tear in the retina. This treatment method reduces the possibility of retinal detachment from the underlying tissue.
2- Shrinking of abnormal blood vessels
3- Frostbite
4- Injecting air or gas into the eye
5- Indentation of the surface of the eye: the surgeon uses silicone materials to improve the tear created on the surface of the retina.
6- Draining and replacing the fluid in the eye. This method is called vetirectomy – the surgeon removes the gel-like fluid that forms inside the eye (vitreous) and then injects air, gas or liquid into the space inside.
7- Injecting medicine into the eye
8- implantation of retinal prosthesis
Retina: The retina is the innermost layer of the eye and contains photoreceptor cells and nerve cells. This very thin layer covers 75% of the area of the eyeball and forms the light-sensitive layer, and it gives the brain the ability to see by converting the electromagnetic flow of light into a nerve message and transmitting it through the optic nerve to the back of the head. There are two types of light receptor cells in the retina: 1- Cylindrical cone cells that enable vision in the dark – the place where the optic nerve leaves the retina is called the blind spot. – The yellow spot is another part of the retina. It is located along the optical axis of the eyeball (macula) and plays a role in the accuracy and sharpness of the eye – the structure of the human eye is like a sphere, in the front part of this sphere there is a transparent claw called the cornea. Light enters the cornea from the outside environment and reaches the lens after passing through the pupil. The lens focuses the light precisely on the retina to create a clear image on the retina. The human eye is capable of distinguishing 90 million colors.
What is the retina? The retina is a neural layer that is located at the back of the eye and captures light and directs images to the brain. The eye is like a camera. The lens in the front of the eye focuses the light on the retina. You can think of the retina as a camera film that covers the back surface of the camera. Retinal Detachment Retinal detachment occurs when the retina detaches from its natural location, causing the retinal function to be disturbed and resulting in blurred vision. If left untreated, it causes blindness. The act of tearing the vitreous-retinal membrane that fills the space inside the eyeball. As the person ages, the vitreous may separate from its connections to the retinal membrane in the posterior parts of the eye. Generally, the vitreous separates from the retina without causing any problems. will be But sometimes, the vitreous separates from the retina in a way that causes tears and holes in the retina in several places. In childhood, adolescence, and youth, injuries to the eyes are the main cause of retinal disorders. Symptoms of various types of retinal diseases, seeing moving spots, blurring of vision, problems with lateral vision, risk factors for retinal diseases, aging, having diabetes, having an abscess in the eye, or having a family history of retinal diseases, diagnosing retinal diseases, diagnosing the disease retinal tests, amsler tomography, OCT, fluorescence angiography, CT-MRI
Producer: Maryam Nusratabadi
Source: Brunerosudarth’s book
Compilation date: Autumn 1400
Revision date: 3 years later
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