sick prayer

Prayer is talking to God. Sometimes the patient is not in a good condition due to physical and mental affection, and on the other hand, he is bound to perform his prayers, but he cannot or does not have the necessary knowledge of how to pray in these situations. Before performing prayer, let’s learn the manners of approaching God in the hospital.
Jibira ablution: The thing with which a wound or a broken limb is closed and the medicine that is put on it is called Jibira.
Whenever there is a wound, boil, or fracture in one of the places of ablution, if it is open and there is no blood, and the water is not harmful to it, he should perform ablution as usual. If there is a wound, boil, or fracture in the place of washing or wiping and it is open, but pouring water on it is harmful, it is enough to wash the area around it, but if rubbing a wet hand on it does not harm it, one should also rub a wet hand on it. If it is harmful, it is recommended to put a clean cloth on it and rub a wet hand on it, and perform tayammum according to the obligatory precaution.
The method of Tayammum: intention and clapping the palms of both hands on the thing on which Tayammum is correct, stretching both hands to the entire forehead and both sides from the place where the hair grows to the eyebrows and the top of the nose, and it is a mandatory precaution that the hands drawn on the clouds. Pulling the palm of the left hand on the back of the right hand on the back of the left hand
How to pray while sitting: This situation is when the patient cannot stand, but if he is able to stand in some parts of the prayer or can lean on a cane or a wall, he should pray standing and perform the prayer while sitting. He should sit upright and his face, chest and stomach should be facing the Qibla during prayer. If he has to put the soles of his feet on the ground while sitting and keeping his face, chest and stomach facing the Qibla, it is not necessary that his legs should also face the Qibla.
Sitting in prayer: Sitting is standing for the person praying, and for bowing, he must bend so much that his face reaches his knees. It is better to have his face close to the place of prostration. If he cannot bring his forehead to the ground for prostration, he should bend down as much as he can and place a seal or something else on which prostration is valid on a high table and place his forehead on it in such a way that it is said that he has prostrated, but he should Put your hands, knees and toes on the ground normally.
How to pray while lying down: The duty of such a person is to lie down and sleep on his right side while praying so that his body is facing the Qiblah, and if he cannot sleep on his right side, he should sleep on his left side and face the direction. It should be the Qibla, and if he cannot sleep on both sides, he should lie on his back with the soles of his feet facing the Qibla. For ruku’ and sajdah, it is obligatory to bend as much as possible, and if it is not possible, he should point with his head, and for sajdah, bring his head lower than the sign for sajdah, and if he is not able to do this, he should open and close his eyes and perform ruku’ and sajdah. did it
Producer: Razia Begum Hosseini
Source: Medical rulings of al-Imam Baqir al-Uloom school publications
Compilation date: summer 1400
Revision date: 3 years later “Mir Hosseini Hospital Shiraz” website
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