uterine prolapse
uterine prolapse
What does uterine prolapse mean?
When the ligament that holds the uterus weakens, the uterus and cervix descend. It means that it enters the vagina to different degrees and even in its severe and rare type, the uterus protrudes from the vaginal opening.
What is the cause of uterine prolapse? This disease is more common in women who have more than one child (the more children, the more severe) or in women who have had a difficult natural delivery. Of course, the factor of aging and loosening of tissues is also very important.
What causes the aggravation or progression of uterine prolapse? Obesity (due to high abdominal pressure on the uterus) Asthma (due to frequent coughing) Chronic bronchitis (inflammation and infection of the lung bronchi) Ascites (watery stomach) Large tumor of the uterus and ovaries.
What kind of treatments does non-surgical treatment include?
- Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercise) This type of exercise reduces the symptoms or even prevents the aggravation of this disease. If the patient is obese, he should lose weight and not use tight abdominal straps.
Placing a pessary in the vagina: a device that is placed inside the vagina and causes the uterus to be placed in its place.
- Treatment of uterine prolapse with surgery: The purpose of surgery is to reduce the symptoms of uterine prolapse and improve sexual activity. This type of treatment is used in patients who are in stage 2 and above. The type of surgery is vaginal, abdominal or laparoscopic, and in some cases, the patient may undergo combined surgery.
Can a woman with prolapse get pregnant? Yes, because during pregnancy, the uterus expands by itself and goes into the pelvis.
- How can you prevent uterine prolapse? As we said, pelvic floor exercises are very effective for prevention and cause the pelvic floor muscles to become tighter. This exercise should be performed after childbirth in women who have had a difficult delivery or who have given birth several times.
What are the symptoms of uterine prolapse? You don’t have to have all these symptoms! The feeling of something coming out of the vagina (you feel that there is a mass inside the vagina), heaviness in the pelvis, pain in the back and lower abdomen, abnormal vaginal secretions, intense, irregular and long periods, symptoms of urinary tract infection (urinary frequency, urgent urination) (constipation and urinary incontinence) It is not usually related to uterine prolapse.
- How is uterine prolapse diagnosed? The way to diagnose this disease is to see a doctor and do a physical examination. During the examination, the patient is told to push to determine the severity of uterine prolapse.
- How many stages does uterine prolapse have? Stage 1: The cervix is more than 1 cm above the level of the vaginal opening. Stage 2: The cervix is less than 1 cm above the level of the vaginal opening. Step 3: The cervix is less than 1 cm below the level of the vaginal opening. Step 4: The cervix protrudes about 2 cm from the vagina.
What are the complications of uterine prolapse? It causes increased vaginal secretions and abnormal bleeding. It causes abortion. It causes urinary infection, ureter obstruction and hydronephrosis (return of water from the ureter to the kidney). It causes hemorrhoids and obstruction of the small intestine. With what methods is uterine prolapse treated? Non-surgical treatment: This treatment is considered if: prolapse is mild or moderate, women who want to preserve their fertility, or women for whom surgery is prohibited.
Producer: Mrs. Khadija Youneszadeh
Source: Gynecology, childbirth and midwifery
Compilation date: Autumn 1400
Revision date: 3 years later
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