
It is an acute respiratory disease caused by a virus that can affect people at any age.

The main symptoms of influenza in humans:

Fever over 38 degrees is the main symptom of the disease.
Sore throat
Dry cough
Other symptoms:

Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Bruised feeling, bone and muscle pains
Shivering, feeling weak and tired, headache
The symptoms of the disease appear 1 to 4 days after the virus enters the body, the cough is often severe and continues for some time; But other symptoms improve after 2 to 7 days. The period of infection in children, especially young children, may be longer.

People at risk of influenza

Residents and staff of sanatoriums
Employees of medical professions
Caregivers of high-risk individuals and their family members
Seniors over 65 years old
Children under 5 years (more than 6 months
Adolescents under 18 years of age undergoing long-term aspirin therapy
Pulmonary/heart/kidney/diabetes/obese patients
Pregnant women, especially in the second and third months
People undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy
Long-term users of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs
Path of disease transmission:

Inhalation of contaminated respiratory droplets, coughing and sneezing
Contamination of hands due to contact with objects infected with the virus (which is transmitted by contact with eyes, mouth or nose).
Items infected with the virus, such as students’ stationery, door handles, etc.
treatment :

good nutrition
Drink plenty of fluids
Painkillers such as acetaminophen can be used to reduce pain. Of course, you should avoid consuming too much of it.
Prescribing antiviral drugs in special cases and doctor’s advice

Arbitrary use of drugs, especially antibiotics, is not only not useful, but can delay the healing process of the disease.

The drug is prescribed only for patients who are at risk of developing complications from the disease (high-risk people) and who have severe symptoms of the disease and need to be hospitalized. The drug should be prescribed with iodine under the supervision of a specialist.
Useful foods for the prevention and treatment of influenza:

In order for the body’s immune system to perform its task in the best way, which is to fight against viruses and pathogens, it must have nutrients such as: vitamins, sources of iron, zinc and protein, which reduce the severity and duration of the disease and prevent frequent respiratory tract infections. The above are received.

Among the foods that strengthen the immune system in the body: fresh fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, garlic, fish and oilseeds, turnips, a combination of fresh lemon juice and honey.


Students should refrain from putting things such as pencils, sharpeners, pens, etc. in their mouths.
Always carry paper towels with you.
In case of fever or symptoms of illness, parents should go to the doctor. It is recommended that students rest at home until they recover completely.

The most powerful factor for preventing influenza and spreading the disease to others is washing hands with warm water and soap.
Avoid touching objects and surfaces that may be contaminated, especially in public places and vehicles.

What should we do so that our disease does not spread to others?

See a doctor and if the three main flu symptoms are severe, avoid going to public places such as: school, offices, etc., cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze and cough, and put the used tissue in a closed trash can if you don’t have a tissue. Cover your mouth and nose with a paper when you sneeze and cough with the inside of your elbow.
Frequent washing of hands with soap and water, especially after coughing and sneezing for 20 to 30 seconds, proper disposal of the used mask before getting wet with steam from the mouth and nose, tearing and dirtying it.

Influenza vaccine

Influenza vaccine is recommended for all people, in people who are allergic to egg proteins, it should be injected according to the consultation of the doctor. Who should be vaccinated against influenza? People who were named in the high-risk list. If a person is in good health, vaccination reduces the possibility of contracting influenza by about 60%. In weaker people, the degree of protection of the vaccine is less, but the severity of influenza is less.

Producer: Maryam Habibi, nursing expert

Source: Comprehensive Guide to the Care System of Infectious Diseases

Compilation date: summer 1400

Revision date: 3 years later

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