Dr. Ismail Emami Nia

Dr. Ismail Emami NiaOphthalmologist System number: 746 Shiraz Karim Khan Zand St. – Near Haft Tir (20 meters from Saadi Cinema) – Saman Alley – Pasargad Building – Second Floor

Dr. Mahmoud Kamalzadeh

Dr. Mahmoud KamalzadehOphthalmologistMedical system number: 54625 Shiraz – Office: Modares Blvd. Dasht Chenar St. | Workplace: Judicial Organization of the Armed Forces

Dr. Mahmoud Reza Aram

Dr. Mahmoud Reza AramOphthalmologistMedical system number: 97465Dr. Mahmoud Reza Aram’s officeShiraz – Workplace: Nader Kazemi Clinic – Ophthalmologists

Dr. Seyed Mohammad Ali Moallem

Dr. Seyed Mohammad Ali MoallemOphthalmologist specializing in eye plastic surgery and aberration Medical system number: 27373 Fars province, Shiraz city, Afifabad street, near Hafez bazaar, corner of 15th alley, Basir ophthalmology building

Lucy or Strabismus

Lucy or Strabismus: It is a disorder in which the two eyes do not look in the same direction. It negatively affects “depth perception”. Lochi is sometimes called amblyopia. Strabismus surgery: In strabismus surgery, the operation is performed on the muscles around the eyes that are attached to the whites of the eyes, and its […]

Glaucoma or glaucoma

Glaucoma or glaucoma:Glaucoma is an increase in pressure in the eye or intolerance of the optic nerve to the pressure inside the eye.Intraocular pressure is determined by the balance between the production and discharge of clear fluid. Normal intraocular pressure is 10 to 20 mm Hg. Increasing intraocular pressure by more than 20 mm Hg […]


Retina:The retina sends light-sensitive nerve tissue to the brain in a thin layer that encloses the inner wall of the eyeball, converting light into neural messages.Retina: The eyeball is filled to the brim with a jelly-like substance called vitreous. In childhood and adolescence, the vitreous has a relatively high consistency. But gradually, with age, it […]


CorneaThe cornea is a clear tissue that resembles a clock face and is located in the anterior part of the eyeball. The absence of blood vessels in this tissue is the reason for its transparency. The cornea is convex and very sensitive.The cornea is nourished not by blood but by air due to the lack […]



Fingernails:The pterygium is a triangular lesion that extends from the whites of the eyes (conjunctiva) to the black of the eye (cornea). This lesion is caused by the benign growth of connective tissue and conjunctival vessels.The pterygium usually first develops as a whiteness on the conjunctiva, which gradually grows toward the cornea. Due to the […]